Shri Vishnu Ananda

Shri Vishnu Anand ji is a wonderful teacher of yoga and spirituality. Due to his spiritual interest since birth, he is living the life of a monk. He not only does the work of teaching for others but he is also a very intensive seeker yourself. He has taught Yoga philosophy. He has a Master in Yoga, as well as a Diploma in Advanced Teacher Training Program from Yoga ALLIANCE, USA. He has done the Sadhana Intensive Course from Sivananda Ashram. He has been teaching Hatha Yoga to thousands of students in India and abroad for the last fifteen years. He has trained people by organizing workshops and seminars in yoga and Indian philosophy at many places in Europe. He has also served as a yoga instructor by staying in many ashrams in India. He has many trained disciples all over the world who are spreading the light of yoga. He is not only a master of Yoga but also acquired expertise in many subjects of Indian Philosophy. He has also given Yoga training in many multinational companies so that work can be done stress-free. He has been living in Varanasi for the last several years and spreading his yoga practice and teaching to every corner of the world. He has expertise in teaching and practicing Pranayama, which is based on our classical scriptures, like Hatha yoga Pradipika, Gherand Sanhita, and Shiva-sanhita. He is the intensive practitioner and teacher of Sri Vidya Sadhana. He is recognized by many national and international media for his contribution to yoga and spirituality.

Dr. Manish Kumar

Manish Ji has a Doctorate in peace study, especially the role of Indian philosophies in establishing peace among societies across the world. He has a bachelor’s degree in German studies. He has completed his master’s in conflict management & and development. He is an intensive reader and practitioner of Indian Philosophy. He has a good understanding of the different religions of the world and can address the common point for promoting peace. He has been giving personal advice on relationship conflicts for the last four years. He has expertise in relational management between two individuals as well as among groups. He has a good command of the philosophy of thinkers like J Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, and Swami Vivekananda.

Dr. Amit Dubey

Dr. Amit Dubey is doctorate in Indian Philosophy and Religion. His whole life is dedicated to classical knowledge and practice. From an early age Dr. Dubey was deeply interested in the nature of reality. At the age of twelve he learnt to meditate, and began studying and practicing the teachings of the classical Advaita Vedanta which is still continue. During this time he immersed himself in the teachings Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Ramayana, Mahabharat and Smriti Shastras. Since last many years he is involved in tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. He has awarded many academic awards from Universities and other educational authorities. Banaras Hindu University has conferred Gold Medal to him for excellence in Indian Philosophy & Religion. Since last five years he was working as a professor of philosophy in Center for Indic studies. He has edited and translated many books on Hindu Dharma. He authored many research papers in academic journals. He has developed many courses for academic instructions.

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